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Rug Azarbayejan-Bakhshajesh-27

The Lachak-toranj tapestry is a true masterpiece of textile art, showcasing a masterful blend of intricate design and striking color. The Corner-medallion design technique creates a mesmerizing pattern that captures the viewer’s attention. The central composition of the tapestry is a dynamic mix of red and yellow colors with a touch of green, surrounded by rich black edging that lends a sense of depth and dimension to the piece. The yellow background is adorned with striking flower motives that add a touch of elegance to the overall design. The edges of the rug are in yellow and orange colors, providing a bold contrast that highlights the intricate details of the design. Measuring 434*343 cm, this tapestry is not only a work of art but also a true testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the weaver from 1875. The origins of this tapestry can be traced back to the Bakhshayesh region, lending a cultural significance to its already impressive design. The Lachak-toranj technique is known for its complexity and beauty, creating a design that is both elegant and captivating. This tapestry is designed to be admired and cherished for years to come.

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