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Rug Azarbayejan-Bakhshajesh-37

The Toranji tapestry is a striking work of art, showcasing a masterful blend of intricate design and bold color. The medallion technique presents a captivating pattern, with a striking red medallion at its center, set against a background of dark hues. The intricate ornamentation creates a sense of depth and movement, making it a true standout piece. Measuring 340 * 462 cm, this tapestry is not only a stunning piece of art but also a true testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the weaver from 1900. Its origins can be traced back to the Bijar or Bakhshayesh region, lending a cultural significance to its already impressive design. The Toranji design technique is known for its bold color contrasts and intricate patterns, creating a design that is both striking and captivating.

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