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Rug Azarbayejan-Heris-102

A tapestry of bold hues, the Lachak-toranj rug is a true masterpiece of traditional craftsmanship. At its center, a striking black and red medallion takes pride of place, surrounded by a field of red. The background, a rich mustard color, provides a striking contrast to the bold reds and blacks of the medallion and its surroundings. The edges are finished in red, completing the striking color palette of this beautiful rug. Measuring at 594*333 cm and dating back to the early 20th century, this rug is thought to originate from the towns of Gharacheh or Heris, showcasing the skill and artistry of traditional rug weaving.

Luxurious and modern, our large luxury rugs are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any room. Shop our selection online today!

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