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Rug Azarbayejan-Heris-28

This rug showcases a central medallion design in red and beige hues with blue elements, surrounded by a beige background. The design of the rug is known as Lachak-toranj, which is a corner-medallion pattern, originating from the town of Heris. Measuring 343 cm by 256 cm, this piece was crafted in the year 1880. The rug is adorned with a variety of small colorful elements throughout the design, adding a lively and dynamic feel. The contrast of the red and beige hues with the blue elements, and the intricate details of the small colorful elements, make this rug a unique and beautiful piece of art. This rug is a true testament to the skill and artistry of the craftspeople of Heris, who have created a true masterpiece of craftsmanship.

Unleash the elegance of tradition with Atelier Tapis Rouge – Where Modern meets Heritage – check our rug collections today.

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