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Rug Azarbayejan-Heris-31

A central medallion in a striking blue color, surrounded by blue edges. The design of the rug is known as Talfighi, which is a mingle medallion pattern, originating from the town of Heris. Measuring 599 cm by 401 cm, this piece was crafted during the last quarter of the 19th century. The rug is adorned with a variety of flower elements of various colors throughout the design, creating a lively and dynamic feel. The intricate details and the use of different colors, make this rug a unique and beautiful piece of art. The blue medallion and edges provide a nice contrast with the colorful flower elements, creating a striking visual display. This rug is a true testament to the skill and artistry of the craftspeople of Heris, who have created a true masterpiece of craftsmanship.

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