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Rug Azarbayejan-Tabriz-83

The rug is a work of art that is composed of repeating colorful lozenges, each of which is intricately detailed with a variety of shapes and hues. The lozenges are arranged in an endless repeat design that creates a striking and visually stimulating effect. The colors used in the rug are bright and bold, ranging from deep blues and greens to warm oranges and reds, giving the piece a vibrant and lively feel. Measuring 391 by 295 centimeters, the rug is a relatively large piece that is sure to make a statement in any space. Although the date of its creation is unknown, the skillful craftsmanship and attention to detail evident in the design suggest that it is the work of a talented and experienced weaver. The rug is a testament to the rich history and tradition of Tabriz rug weaving and would make a beautiful addition to any art collection.

Whether you want to buy a rug online or in-store, we have the best selection of area rugs to suit any home décor.

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