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Rug Hamadan-Hamadan-2

The rug is a small but beautifully crafted example of the Lachak-toranj design, originating from the Hamedan region. The piece measures 121 by 130 cm, and it dates back to the early 20th century. The rug’s striking color palette consists of yellow for the central medallion, blue for the corners, and brown for the edges. The design of the rug is simple yet elegant, with a large central medallion surrounded by a geometric pattern, creating a harmonious balance between negative and positive space. The central medallion is adorned with various floral and vine motifs, while the corner pieces showcase a unique geometric design. The colors are vivid and well-balanced, with the yellow medallion standing out boldly against the blue background. Overall, this rug is a beautiful example of the Hamedan region’s traditional weaving techniques and designs, showcasing a perfect balance of form and color. It would make an excellent addition to any collection of fine rugs or as a decorative piece in a small space.

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