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Rug Hamadan-Hamadan-7

This Hamedan rug is a true work of art, with an intricate floral medallion design that is both beautiful and harmonious. The rug features several medallions, each surrounded by a variety of colorful and geometrical motifs, creating a rich and diverse composition that draws the viewer’s attention. The field is decorated with a wide array of hues, including shades of blue, red, green, and beige, giving the rug a vibrant and lively feel. The edges are finished with a warm yellow color that adds a touch of brightness to the overall design. Measuring 172 by 290 centimeters, this Talfighi (Mingle medallion design) rug dates back to the 19th century, and is a testament to the exquisite craftsmanship of Hamedan rug weavers. The intricate patterns and motifs, along with the expertly blended colors, make this rug a true masterpiece of Persian artistry.

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