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Rug Kordestan-Bijar-50

This magnificent rug is a true masterpiece of art, crafted with exquisite attention to detail and skillful artistry. The vibrant red hues of the rug are simply mesmerizing, creating a powerful and commanding presence in any space. The yellow ornamentation adds a touch of elegance and refinement, bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the piece. The design of the rug, with its endless repeat pattern, is truly captivating, drawing the eye in and immersing one in a world of beauty and wonder. Every element of the design is carefully crafted with precision and care, from the bold and striking motifs to the intricate details that make this rug so special. Measuring at 379 *254 cm, this rug is a sizable work of art that commands attention and respect. Created in the late 19th century, it is a true testament to the skill and dedication of the weavers.

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