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Rug Kordestan-Other regions-5

As you gaze upon this captivating rug, you are immediately struck by its unique and intricate design. The rug is primarily composed of a rich, warm brown color that brings a sense of earthiness and depth to the piece. Bold red edges frame the rug, adding a pop of color and a touch of elegance. Upon closer inspection, you notice that the design is actually an endless repeat pattern of fish, swimming in a lively and playful manner. The fish are rendered in various shades of brown and cream, creating a beautiful sense of movement and depth within the design. While the design origin of this rug is uncertain, the level of craftsmanship and attention to detail suggests that it was likely created by a master weaver from Esfahan, Tabriz, or Kordestan. The rug measures 150 by 230 centimeters and is a beautiful representation of the artistry and skill that goes into crafting such a stunning piece.

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