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Rug Kordestan-Sanandaj-13

Behold this stunning piece of art woven by the skilled hands of Sanandaj craftsmen in the 19th century. A mesmerizing red medallion serves as the centerpiece of the rug, set against a rich, dark red field that exudes a sense of warmth and depth. The medallion is elegantly bordered by light red edges, which seamlessly transition into the green corners of the rug. The corners themselves are adorned with intricate, plant-inspired designs that are sure to capture the eye of any beholder. The skillful use of color creates a stunning contrast, with the green corners perfectly offsetting the warm tones of the field and medallion. This Lachak-toranj rug is a true masterpiece, measuring 229 by 158 centimeters, and it will surely add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space lucky enough to hold it.

From handmade carpet designs to modern area rugs on sale, we have everything you need to transform your home décor.

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