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Rug Markazi-Farahan-10

The Farahan Talfighi rug is a magnificent piece of art that boasts a beautiful combination of light brown and blue colors. The black field of the rug serves as the perfect backdrop for the four elegant buildings that are intricately woven into the design. The use of light brown borders helps to frame the piece and draw the viewer’s attention to the central imagery. The Talfighi design of the rug features a mingle medallion design, which was a popular style during the 19th century. This particular rug is quite large, measuring 305 by 420 centimeters, making it a truly impressive piece of art. The intricate detailing and expert craftsmanship of the rug make it a beautiful addition to any art collection or interior design.

For the best place to buy rugs online, check out our selection of handmade rugs and carpets. We offer custom designs at unbeatable prices.

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