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Rug Markazi-Mahallat-18

The Mahal rug I am describing features a black field adorned with a stunning and vibrant multicolor ornament. The ornament consists of various shapes and designs, including diamonds, stars, and flowers, that come together to form a harmonious and intricate pattern. The edges of the rug feature an orange field with yellow and green pattern elements that create a lovely contrast against the black field. This rug is a true work of art, showcasing the skillful craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into its creation. The bold use of color and intricate design make it a standout piece that would add depth and character to any room. Measuring at 267*249 cm, it is a relatively small rug, but its beauty and impact are by no means diminished. Estimated to be from the early 20th century, this Mahal rug is a testament to the enduring legacy of this style and the artistry of its creators.

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