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Rug Markazi-Soltanabad-23

This Soltanabad rug is a magnificent example of a corner-medallion design, woven in the early 20th century. Its size, measuring 663 by 577 centimeters, makes it a grand work of art that would befit any room it occupies. The rug’s beige edges are adorned with a striking red pattern, and the corners showcase indigo flowers that serve as a beautiful contrast against the bright red field in the center. The indigo medallion located in the middle of the rug is intricately designed with a complex ornament that adds depth and dimension to the piece. The overall effect is a harmonious blend of colors and patterns that create a captivating visual experience for the viewer.

When it comes to finding the best place to buy a rug, our online store offers a range of styles and prices to fit your needs.

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