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Rug Markazi-Soltanabad-27

This Soltanabad rug is a beautiful piece of art that showcases a stunning floral design. The light blue edges are intricately decorated with delicate floral patterns, while the green center is adorned with a bolder and more intricate floral design. The use of light blue and green in the design gives the rug a fresh and vibrant feel, evoking images of lush gardens and natural beauty. The overall floral pattern on this rug is known as the Afshan design, which is a popular design originating from Soltanabad. The craftsmanship on this rug is superb, with intricate details and a high level of precision in the weaving. This rug measures 384*353 cm and dates back to the late 19th century, making it a valuable and rare piece of art. Overall, this rug is a stunning example of the beauty and elegance of traditional Persian rugs.

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