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Rug Northwest of Persia-1

This exquisite rug is a true masterpiece of timeless elegance. Its repeating medallions of delicate beige and light brown create a mesmerizing pattern that exudes harmony and balance. The subtle variations in color and shape of the medallions add depth and texture to the overall design. The soft beige edges provide a refined finishing touch to this work of art. Created in the third quarter of the 19th century in Northwest Persia, this rug is a testament to the superb craftsmanship of the region’s weavers. Its generous size of 434 by 190 centimeters makes it a rare and precious find for any rug collector.

Atelier Tapis Rouge is the best place to buy carpet if you’re looking for a personalized touch. Our handmade carpets are crafted with care and can be customized to your exact specifications.

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