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Bedroom – Tradition of 18th Century or…

Bedroom is a soothing place at our homes that represents totally different world. Already in 18th century architects introduced the idea of living area zoning (whether it’s an apartment or a residence).


The main blocks, wisely and elegantly separated from each other were guest area, that included entrance hall, living room (never joined with the kitchen), facilities and might be mezzanine or a terrace.. 

Service area included separate entrance and all the service rooms, including laundry, storage, garage, kitchen and even secondary kitchen destined for the staff, staff bedrooms. 


The Master block has always been a mystery because it was separated from all the other spaces of the residence. And there is pure logic in it: the owner should have had all the facilities at hand to get ready and impeccable exiting his house or coming out to his guests.


Years passed but the habit of human being did not change and the bedroom stays the most comfortable place of sweet loneliness… And of course, nothing should disturb you there. The only emotion that interior elements are allowed to evolve in you are sense of comfort, tenderness and serenity.

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