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Why we are special?

298 designs

Along many years of history talented team of designers has created 298 breathtaking patterns to suit various tastes. If you look closer you will be truly amazed how a million of colored threads could develop into fascinating picture that probably could be recreated only by an artist like Monet, Esher or Kandinsky. In Atelier Tapis Rouge we know that variety of colors, shapes and forms as well as quality will exceed your expectations.


Atelier Tapis Rouge made truly outstanding move creating a unique color palette for our designs. It includes more than 2600 colors and sometimes one won’t catch the difference but once weaved into a creative mix they turn into totally different picture showing unexpected game of light and color.


The quality of your rug and its durability, it’s character and the way it will serve you depends exclusively on the density of the rug which comes out of the number of knots. And each knot is a result of thorough work of the hands of our craftsmen who maintain their art of work and bring it to us through centuries.

Carving techniques

We use 3 D carving techniques. This approach allows to look at your rug from totally different perspective.


We use exclusively natural materials and tint as a basis for our rugs. Therefore, our production is fully sustainable. We take great care about those who work for us and the planet we are living on.

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