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Quoting the Tradition: Archival Chinese paintings at the heart of a new handmade rug collection Chinoiserie


The world of the Chinoiserie rug collection is based on archival sketches of Chinese manufactures in Ningxia, preserving the symbolic principles of a whole system of myths, legends and worldviews.

The designs maintain the system of symbols and geometric principles of the traditional rugs, while some of the color schemes and compositions have been reinvented to match contemporary taste and become a part of fusion interiors. A true gem of Tapis Rouge portfolio, this set represents finest drawings embodied in high quality natural silk making each piece a valuable style setting detail of both classic and contemporary interiors. 

The materials of the collection are pure 100% silk or a combination of Chinese silk and New Zealand wool, the noble and aristocratic textures reinforce the impression of fine art work and direct contact with art.


The gray, white, blue and beige hues of the Rice Fields Silver light rug

A series of scenes based on restored paintings from the ancient times of the Ming Dynasty have been produced in three ways by the TAPIS ROUGE team:

–          Some of the rugs fully retain the original graphics and presentation. The symmetry, hues, and line accuracy of Chinese prints have been translated into traditional Nepali production and recreated with proportions and color.

–          In other rugs, authentic designs appear in modern color schemes, often bolder and lighter. This allows the traditional rug to elegantly blend into a contemporary environment, bringing the meanings of a different time to a modern interior.

–          In a third case, antique prints are transformed into completely reinterpreted compositions and compilations of traditional elements in new shades.


Chinese Phoenix Antique Indigo, from the new collection of Chinese motif rugs

Chinese Phoenix Antique Indigo rug: the sunny Chinese wonder bird, feng huang, corresponds indirectly to the phoenix bird in European tradition. Its symbolic range includes the south and the sun, a good omen, the feminine (yin) as opposed to the Chinese dragon. The rug”s rich sunny colors correspond to the solar symbolism of the bird, and the floral patterns are associated with spring.


Hand-knotted Floating Lotus River Blue Rug

The Floating Lotus River Blue rug translates the values of the famous Chinese concept that became the basis of Confucianism philosophy, the Doctrine of the Middle. The symmetry of the patterns, the repetition and reflection of the motifs, the calm and deep blue background and the gold and white flower patterns symbolize the beautiful harmony and balance of the universe.


Sketch of the bestseller rug Temple Ceremony Chinese Blue

The dragon rug became one of the company”s trademarks and was replicated by other manufacturers in several versions. TAPES ROUGE (Product Design and Development Department) artists spent many hours reproducing and translating vintage images and engravings lists into color and number of knots. Only when the artist draws it by hand can the necessary dynamics of the pattern, color harmony and the overall balance of the rug be achieved. A direct transfer of an antique image to the rug is impossible – in a modern subject environment such a direct copying of an antique would be out of place.

 The prevailing silk threads create a special exquisite luster on the surface of the rugs, which is inherent only to natural silk. Some of the rugs are woven in the technique of 100 knots per inch, and some are made in the technique of 150 knots per inch, which means several months to a year of manual work by the craftsmen.


Temple Ceremony Chinese Blue Dragon Silk Rug

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